Zero ohm (0805) SMT Jumper, 5K / reel P/N 5107

Part Number: 5107

  • Finish/Plating: Silver Plate
  • Material: Copper
  • Mounting: SMT
  • Packaging: Continuous Reel - 5,000 per reel
  • 5000 / reel,    1K reel size:  P/N 5106
  • Replacement for 0805 zero ohm chip set
  • Quickly and easily installed
  • “True” Zero ohm Jumper
  • Application and Rating

    The resistance is 0.2 milliohms maximum under the following conditions: 0.5 Watts at 158º F / 70º C, with a current of 20 Amps and a connection temperature at 221º F/ 105º C or less.

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Zero ohm (0805) SMT Jumper, 5K / reel

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